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Thank you for your interest in sponsorship opportunities with the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, San Diego Chapter. Your support will help us provide education, assistance, guidance and support to real estate professionals and members of the community. We provide tools to the real estate professional to assist in the growth and prosperity of their business.  We also provide tools and outreach services and programs to community members to help them become more aware and ready for their home purchase and beyond.

Maximize our outreach!

Our local organization is one of the fastest growing real estate associations in this area.  Our success is due in a very large part to the active involvement and commitment of our sponsors.  Strong sponsors maximize our outreach efforts and programs.  Extend your company’s reach by partnering with us!  Heighten your brand awareness and corporate image in the community. Partnership is a win for everyone!

The value of any partnership is measured by the mutual benefits derived by each of the parties. That’s just what NAREB San Diego offers to its Sponsorship Partners.

During the 2020-2021 program year, NAREB, composed of member Realtist, Affiliate members and organizations representing the full spectrum of the real estate industry. We have embarked upon an implementation of an aggressive strategy to raise the Black homeownership rate, increase investment opportunities, and expand the business base for Realtist.

Since 1947, NAREB has consistently advocated and worked for Democracy in Housing. Today, many of the same issues and disparities exist. The Building Black Wealth Program (BBWP) consists of initiatives designed to address the myriad of concerns having an impact upon NAREB’s ability to increase to Black homeownership as described in NAREB’s annual editions of State of Housing in Black America (SHIBA) Report.

1. If you're interested and ready to be a sponsor for NAREB San Diego, please follow this link and fill out the online form:

NAREB SD Sponsorship Online Form


2. If you want to see more information about our Sponsorship Options, you may view our sponsorship package using this link: View/Download 2024-2025 Sponsorship Package

For more information about sponsorship, please contact:

Darrill Cook, 1st Vice President / Sponsorship Chairperson

Email:, Phone: (619) 459-7800

Call or Email Us 

(619) 459-7800



6904 Federal Blvd, Lemon Grove, CA  91945

Tax ID# 80-0589116

Tax ID# 80-0589116

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